
Over the years, the company and its team have acquired a wealth of experience in implementing great and complex state and commercial projects based on high-tech and science-intensive digital solutions they developed.

Thanks to extensive cooperation with the scientific and professional community, the company has formed and constantly replenished a staff of specialists, which allows us to carry out a full production cycle, from technical designing to its practical implementation and maintenance.

The continuous organization of knowledge and advanced technological applications enabled the establishment of a series of corporate systems designed for the automation and digitalization of managerial tasks (totality system), operation of a dispersed network of sophisticated engineering entities (mobility system), development of economic strategies for intricate systems (strategist’s office), and various associated applied software solutions.

Of course, we are well aware of the art, energy and precision that are required by the proper integration of new technologies into the existing processes of operating enterprises. Therefore, despite the rich basic functionality of our platforms, we are always happy to offer a full range of all necessary services to achieve the desired results of your digital projects.

Assistance and support with the installation, configuration, and deployment of the system

Our systems feature innovative self-launch technologies, including concise prompts, video tutorials, online guidance, manuals, and templates for organizational and administrative documentation tailored to various stakeholders, ranging from system administrators to executives and end-users.

Through our client-focused approach, we have developed effective strategies enabling rapid deployment of systems, typically within days or weeks for small to medium-sized enterprises with fewer than a few hundred employees, and up to several months for large corporations with complex organizational structures and extensive networks of branches.

Should you require, we stand ready to provide comprehensive assistance throughout the system deployment process. We will assist you in establishing directories and organizational hierarchies, onboarding users, and configuring access permissions to align the system with your company’s unique requirements. Our expert consultations will empower administrators and train your staff, guiding them through daily tasks and operational procedures to maximize the advantages and efficiencies of our systems and the digital transformation of your business processes.

Development and implementation of supplementary modules

All of our systems are constructed upon a versatile, modular, open, and extensible software and hardware foundation. The core benefit of the system’s openness lies in its capacity to seamlessly integrate almost any required functionality by efficiently leveraging existing modules, administration tools, and user management systems.

Should you find that numerous functions align with your requirements, and the system is suitable for addressing your organization’s actual challenges, yet the featured capabilities are inadequate, there exist no obstacles or significant hindrances in enhancing or customizing it to align with your specific needs.

Survey and Design

During the survey and design stages, employees of structural units are interviewed and current business processes are described. Then we analyze this information, identify strengths and weaknesses, and most importantly, formulate basic functional requirements for new system capabilities. If the task involves complex and large-scale projects, a project concept is developed and approved.

After that we determine the main resource and economic characteristics of the project: the required time and costs of the scheduled work, including the main project results and reporting materials. We also prepare a draft contract and its main appendices, such as the project schedule, technical requirements specification and estimated budget.

Managing the process of developing new function

During the development stage, a team of experts is formed, the model and the order of interaction are determined. All steps and stages can be recorded in the Totality system for document preparation, discussion of project decisions, and task execution control.

We also define the requirements and form cloud computing resources for system hosting.

Operation and maintenance

At the final stages of system implementation, we prepare all necessary documents (test program, plan for pilot operation) and presentation materials. A user group for the pilot zone is formed, tests are conducted, their results are analyzed, the system is adjusted, the necessary regulatory documents are prepared, and the system is ready for industrial use.

As a result, effective technical support and maintenance of the system are established.