Totality System

An intelligent system aimed at overseeing organizational procedures and resources: operational duties and directives, projects, document streams, contracts, financial activities, personnel matters, and assets.


  • Furnishing comprehensive tools for overseeing tasks, financial resources, contracts, document streams, projects, personnel, and scheduling within a unified information framework;
  • Digitizing processes, enhancing communication methods, and streamlining personnel interactions;
  • Task automation, facilitating faster and more convenient completion of routine procedures such as information dissemination, reminders, notifications, and mailings.

Our clients

Our system is designed to cater to the needs of small, medium, and large enterprises across various industries. It serves as a versatile tool to support managers at all organizational levels, including executives, department heads, and frontline staff responsible for facilities management, administrative and organizational tasks.


The system ensures accessibility and ease of search for all necessary data, including tasks, instructions, projects, assets, budget, contracts, letters, and calendar. It eliminates a significant number of routine operations, fosters effective remote work, enhances labor productivity, boosts staff motivation, and reduces transactional and management costs.

Acquisition and support
+7 (495) 822-16-41


Operation and support
500 rubles
per user per month
Adaptation and development
are calculated separately

System architecture