Mobility System

The intelligent system for automating operational processes in managing a distributed network of intricate engineering facilities


This system is specifically designed to efficiently automate the tracking of technical equipment and consist of blocks such as:

  • flexible accounting of technical equipment, territorial assets, tangible assets, and intangible assets;
  • a service-resource model that is structured around the interrelations among parties involved, contracts, and the services rendered in connection with the operational technical equipment;
  • the supervision of planning and execution tasks in maintenance and repair operations through dedicated mobile applications;
  • provision of online customer services;
  • incident management.

Our clients

Our system is designed to cater to medium and large-scale enterprises across diverse industries, including the sectors of Housing and Utilities, Services, Communications, and other domains requiring daily maintenance and operation of a complex geographically dispersed network of engineering facilities.


Our system ensures:

  • streamlined and effective organization of work processes, along with rigous quality control over their execution;
  • work of all units within a single information space and comprehensive situation analysis capability;
  • significantly increases productivity and staff motivation;
  • reduces transaction and management costs;
  • eliminates a significant amount of paperwork and routine transactions.
Acquisition and support
+7 (495) 822-16-41


Installation of basic version
6 million rubles
Operation and support
500 rubles
per user per month
Adaptation and development
are calculated separately

System architecture